Digital Marketing

When is it time to get someone to manage your tech?

When is it time to get someone to manage your tech? You would be surprised. Even if you are a sole proprietor, having support for your tech can be crucial for taking care of your customers! We have clients ranging in sizes of 1 employee to over 100. We take your tech support and make it easy. Your business runs and you can take off your “tech support hat” and put on your “business owner hat”
#becausesometimesyouneedaninja #bsynan #manageditservices #managedservices #techsupport #technology #businessservices #smallbusinessservices #smallbusinesscheck


Digital Marketing

Today in Nerd History: Happy Birthday Nikola Tesla.

Today in Nerd History: Happy Birthday Nikola Tesla.
Here are a few Nikola Tesla fun facts for your afternoon…
-He was born in the middle of a lighting storm in Serbia
-After a near fatal case of Cholera, he became a germaphobe. 
-He lived in a long line of hotels in New York
-He had an amazing memory that helped him continue his work and remember everything along the way.
#becausesometimesyouneedaninja #bsynan #todayinnerdhistory #nerdhistory #nikolatesla #tesla


Digital Marketing

Today in Nerd History: It’s National Video Game Day

Today in Nerd History: It’s National Video Game Day! Remember all of these video game startups? Which was your first console? Let us know in the comments.
#becausesometimesyouneedaninja #bsynan #videogames #nationalvideogameday #todayinnerdhistory #nerdhistory #sega #nintendo #n64 #atari #gameboy #xbox #playstation


Digital Marketing

Free consultation?

Did you know, we offer a free 1 hour consultation? That means we go through your website, social media, digital marketing, and current advertising to determine what you are doing well and what needs work! We can explain exactly what we can do to help your business succeed and show you where you are already succeeding. Ready to begin? Book your consultation today! 
#becausesometimesyouneedaninja #bsynan #freeconsultation #webdevelopment #smallbusinessservices #smallbusinesssupport


Digital Marketing

Today in Nerd History: It’s Take Your Webmaster To Lunch Day!

Today in Nerd History: It’s Take Your Webmaster To Lunch Day!
This is our AMAZING webmaster Laleña and she is truly the expert on keeping your websites up and running as well as protecting those sites and your information. If you ever spot her out and about, don’t talk to her (Programmers don’t like to be startled) but maybe pay it forward for her. 
#becausesometimesyouneedaninja #bsynan #webmaster #webdeveloper #employeefeature #webdesign #webdevelopment #managedservices


Digital Marketing

FAQ: When is it time to upgrade my companies tech equipment?

FAQ: When is it time to upgrade my companies tech equipment? 
Every time new tech comes out, people will jump on the new things and spend more money than they need to on unnecessary upgrades. Your tech in your business should serve your business. It should run smoothly most of the time, it should assist in the speed and efficiency of serving your clients, and it should work for a long time. When you feel things slowing down, halting your business, and complicating things for your clients. 

Having an IT maintenance plan can really help with this. It’s our job to keep your tech running and update you when things aren’t working the way they should before they start truly hurting your business. 
#becausesometimesyouneedaninja #bsynan #tech #techsupport #upgrade #timetoupgrade


Digital Marketing

Today in Nerd History: It’s National UFO Day!

Today in Nerd History: It’s National UFO Day! Have you ever seen a UFO? Here are a few crazy facts from others who have…
-A Pentagon report says of 144 reports made about the UFO phenomena since 2004, all but one remain unexplained.
-In 1440 BCE, According to the disputed Tulli Papyrus, the scribes of the pharaoh Thutmose III reported that “fiery disks” were encountered floating over the skies. This is cited as the first account of a UFO sighting.
Mysterious deaths of experienced cross-country skiers in the Dyatlov Pass are due to official investigation believed to have been caused by an unknown “compelling natural force”. Some claim relation to unidentified orange spheres.
-Jimmy Carter (US President 1977–1981) reported seeing an unidentified flying object while at Leary, Georgia in 1969. While serving as Governor of Georgia, Carter was asked to file a report of the sighting by the International UFO Bureau in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, which he did in September 1973.
#becausesometimesyouneedaninja #bsynan #socialmedia #worldsocialmediaday #todayinnerdhistory #nerdhistory #ufo #nationalufoday #ibelieve #ibelieveinaliens


Digital Marketing

What is Digital Marketing?

What is Digital Marketing: It is the promotion of brands to connect with potential customers using the internet. This includes not only email, social media, and web-based advertising, but also text and multimedia messages as a marketing channel. If your marketing campaign has any aspects that are on the internet, that’s digital marketing
Are you fully taking advantage of the digital marketing options you have? Not sure? Let us help you!

#becausesometimesyouneedaninja #bsynan #digitalmarketing #onlinemarketing #socialmediamanagement #smallbusinesssupport #localsupportslocal #seo #sem


Digital Marketing

Today in Nerd History: It’s World Social Media day

Today in Nerd History: It’s World Social Media day!!! Here are a few mind-blowing statistics about why your business should be on social media…

Although Facebook has seen some decline when it comes to usage amonst teen & millennial population, the social platform has still seen an year over year increase of 12%. If Facebook was a country in 2021, it would be the highest populated.
-More than 200 million Instagrammers visit at least one business profile daily
-Twitter is the third-most popular social media network with marketers, with 59% of marketers actively using the platform
-Over 90% of YouTube users say they have learned about a new brand or product on YouTube
Did you know LinkedIn was launched before major social media platforms even Facebook? The platform officialy turned 18 years old this year. It was launched on May 5, 2003: nine months before Facebook.
#becausesometimesyouneedaninja #bsynan #socialmedia #worldsocialmediaday #todayinnerdhistory #nerdhistory #facebook #instagram #youtube #linkedin
