Digital Marketing

Why hire an expert?

Sometimes building your website can seem like it will be easy. These “drag and drop” and “premade” web building sites really make it seem like anyone can build an amazing site. 

While we KNOW talented business owners have the skills, we also KNOW two huge factors…
1: Business Owners need to be able to spend their time RUNNING THEIR COMPANIES, and not troubleshooting their websites
2: Expert help is ALWAYS the best outcome

We are those experts. 
#becausesometimesyouneedaninja #bsynan #webdesign #webdevelopment #website #smallbusinessowner #smallbusinesscheck #businesstobusiness


Digital Marketing

And now for a poem

A poem.

Shout out to all the programmers out there…
#becausesometimesyouneedaninja #bsynan #techsupport #programmer #programmerhumor #programmingmemes #unexpectederror #code #errorinthecode


Digital Marketing


What are your goals for August? We know for a lot of local families this is back to school! This means next month we have a few less distractions around the work from home space but also less time with our families. What are your ways of balancing work and home life during a transition like this? 
#becausesometimesyouneedaninja #bysnan #goals #augustgoals #smartgoals #goaloriented


Digital Marketing

This is your sign!

This is the sign that you need to update your website! If you have been putting off a rebrand, busy running your business, or starting a new one…This is your sign!!! Come chat with us for a free 1 hour consultation to see how we can help your business grow with a functional and competent website. 
#becausesometimesyouneedaninja #bysnan #thisisyoursign #webdesign #webdevelopment #freeconsultation #smallbusinesscheck


Let’s learn about Nasa’s Logo!

Today in Nerd History: Happy Birthday to Nasa! Founded in 1958, NASA  was founded to be a civilian operation for aeronautical research and space research. 

NASA’s first logo was actually a seal, approved by President Eisenhauer in 1959. This seal was slightly modified in 1961 by President Kennedy. They first created the logo that was dubbed “the meatball” to simplify the seal. This name was created to distinguish it from the new logo in 1975, dubbed “the worm”. “The Meatball” hopped back into action as the official logo in 1992 and stayed that way until 2020 when “The Worm” was brought back out into use by administrator Jim Bridenstine. 
#becausesometimesyouneedaninja #bsynan #nasa #funfacts #logo #logodesign #logohistory #theworm #themeatball #todayinnerdhistory #nerdhistory

Digital Marketing

Ready for some Ninja Fun Facts?

Ready for some Ninja Fun Facts?
– Historical accounts of the ninja are scarce. Historian Stephen Turnbull asserts that the ninja were mostly recruited from the lower class, and therefore little literary interest was taken in them
– Although they were considered the anti-samurai and were disdained by those belonging to the samurai class, they were necessary for warfare and were even employed by the samurai themselves to carry out operations that were forbidden.
– In battle, the ninja were also used to cause confusion amongst the enemy. They were known to steal the enemies flag just for the psychological warfare. 
#becausesometimesyouneedaninja #bsynan #ninja #ninjafacts #funfacts #timetolearn


Digital Marketing

Today in Nerd History: It’s Gary Gygax Day!

Today in Nerd History: It’s Gary Gygax Day!
Happy Birthday to the co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons, AKA the “Father of Role Playing Games” 
#becausesometimesyouneedaninja #bsynan #garygygax #dandd #dungeonsanddragons #todayinnerdhistory #nerdhistory


Digital Marketing

Have you updated your headshots recently?

We just updated our headshots!!! Have you had your company update theirs recently? In todays world where people are more cautious than ever, having current images of yourself online can be very important for showing potential customers who you are and that your company can be trusted. 
#becausesometimesyouneedaninja #bsynan #headshots #newportraits #portraits #businessheadshots


Digital Marketing

Movie ideas?

What movies have you seen recently to add to our watchlist? We have been LOVING the Marvel shows coming out recently and can’t wait for Phase 3. 

#becausesometimesyouneedaninja #bsynan #movienight #movierecs #recommended


Digital Marketing

Why we manage social media for clients…

I just had an interesting conversation with a client. He was talking about his own social media and was given 12 times a day he should be posting. Here is where we can help, we can help narrow down how much you should be posting, which of those peak time slots is best for your business, and what you should be focusing on for each of those days. Want to take off the “Social Media Hat” and put back on your “Business Owner Hat?” Contact us today for a free 1 hour consultation for your business. 
#becausesometimesyouneedaninja #bsynan #socialmediamanagement #socialmediamarketing #smallbusinesscheck #smallbusinessowner
